Sunday, October 11, 2009

Does a tongue piercing hurt more than a belly piercing?

Does a tongue piercing hurt more than a belly piercing?
you cant feel a tongue piercing when its being done, becuase they totally numb it

but when it wears off then it hurts a little

but i have never had my tummy button peirced, so i cant compare the two

Does a tongue piercing hurt more than a belly piercing?
I'm a piercing fan, although I don't have either of these piercings. From what I've heard, the tongue hurts more (and if you think about it, it's thicker, with more nerves).

For a sample just try pinching both areas that will be pierced and compare the pain/discomfort. Which is greater? That will probably hurt more.

People have told me that the tongue is one of the most painful spots, and someone I know lost quite a bit of weight from not being able to eat for about a week from the pain. The belly, although I've also heard it hurts as well, heals much faster and hurts less initially.
Reply:Don't get your tongue pierced because they can pierce a vein.
Reply:i barely felt my tounge piericing but is it different for everyone i didn't even have any swelling or anything and i could eat after the next day (it didn't hurt) my belly button it hurt for about 4 weeks after but it wasn't unbearable but again its different for everyone =)
Reply:my tongue hurt me when i had it done...bad. and im covered in tattoos so its not like i feel pain easy. Its the feeling of when they put the clamp on...and there's no going back.

However whats worse than having it done is the sore throat you get the week after it, its really bad...
Reply:yes it does

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