Saturday, October 24, 2009

ZiT PrObLeMs?

See out of nowhere my face broke out. I dont know what to do. My mom said to wash my face and drink lots of water. Sumbody else said to put ice on them. BUT ITS NOT WORKIN!!!! i need sum fast solutions, ways or sites where i can find how to get rid of them

ZiT PrObLeMs?
dont touch your face at all, except to wash it. and use antibacterial soap.
ZiT PrObLeMs?
its all about what u eat! fruit and veg and water :-) working for me anyway!
Reply:google it to find the sites. Lots of free advice there.
Reply:I have the same problem :(

All I do is wash my face with an acne soap you can by at any store, ( Target, Walmart, Walgreens)

Also, you may wanna use a Clarifying liquid that contains Benzoil Peroxide to clean all the dirt out of those little rascals (:

Drinking water really does help, because it helps to clean out the nasty toxins in your body not to mention your skin =)

I hope this helps!
Reply:this might sound crazy but either boil water in a pot and hold your head above it but not too much to where you get burned and let the steam open your pores , or you can get a wash cloth wet it in hot or warm water and hold it against your face if you can stand it or let it cool down a little bit. Next now that your pores are open wash your face with Neutrogena Oil-Free Cream Cleanser then i use Duac a gel that works really good and won't burn your skin ,but heals acne.This is prescibed by my doctor you cant buy it in stores. Or try using a walmart acne product called equate it comes in a purple box . When using dap it on and let it dry on your face it sholud harden . leave on overnight and wash off in the morning.
Reply:Don't worry! There are solutions! I myself have had many medium-sever breakouts, and it takes a lot of patience for them to go away. First of all, try using a mild cleanser, something that will not irratate your face, but will help your acne go away. Personaly, I use neutrogena cleansing face wash twice a day; morning and night. second, try not to touch your face! There is soo much oil and dirt on the ends of your finger tips, that when you touch your face, all of that dirt gets into your pores, and forms what.....a pimple. 3rd, are you a junky-junk food eater? Because, there are so many oils and fats in junkfood, and somehow, it makes your face get clogged, and breakout. So make sure to cut back on the junkfood if you do eat it often! and lastly, don't pick at your face! When/if you try to pop a pimple, it may leave a scar when healing, thats why it is very inmoptant to again, leave your fingers off of your face! Also, ice truly does help, just ice your face for about 30-40 min. every night, along with all other 4 steps, and you truly will start to see results! But if for some reason your acne starts to get worse, go see your doctor for perscription medication! hope this helped! Good luck!
Reply:use an egg white and dip a cotton ball in it and spread around your face leave on for about 10 minutes or until completely dry. then wipe off with a cool wash cloth.
Reply:I have just added a new post on my blog about zits acne and blackheads, it should give you some good advice i reccommend you visit http://basicbeautytipsatblogspot.blogspo...


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