i'm getting my tattoo tomorrow and im wondering what i should expect, like if i should take advil afterwards, or what level of pain i should expect
im really nervous too
What should do in preparing for a tattoo?
If you know yoga breathing, use it during the tattoo process. It really does help.
What should do in preparing for a tattoo?
just treat it like a normal day.
make sure you eat and have adequate fluids, so you dont pass out.
wear clothing that fits loosely, and/or comfortably around the area you are having tattooed.
after the tattoo use something like tattoo goo or another ointment... (not neosporin or anything petroleum based) for the next 3 days to a week... depending on healing rate...
then switch to a lotion...
i use lubriderm... with the pink lid..., but i have heard that the original aveeno works well also.
hope it help a little
Reply:get plenty of sleep and drink plenty of water. make sure you eat something before you go just in case you get a little weak. make sure and do not drink alcohol before...personally, i took some prescribed pain medications before hand....but, you will be fine! congrats and good luck! make sure and follow the after care instructions!
Reply:Its not that painful unless your a drama queen and exagerate it cause you expect more pain when it really doesnt hurt. you wont need advil seriously. It hurts very little and then turns to a numbing kind of sensation. it hurts when touched or hit. but not that much.
Reply:shave the hair on the spot
Reply:Just try to stay calm honestly... the more you work yourself up for a tattoo- the more pain your likely to feel because your going to get your adrenaline running, and thats going to make you feel more pain...
I spent the day out with my friends, then went to get a tattoo- then all I had was a bit of butterflies, but I had a great day with my friends- and them there with me (not in the room, but there for support and stuff)...
don't take any medicine before you go- but you can take advil and stuff like that afterwards- if you take it before, it can thin your blood and make you bleed more when your getting tattooed- which isn't good.
just-- don't work yourself up its not as bad as you think, and especially saying that your getting such a small tattoo- it won't take long or hurt a lot at all.
Your psyching yourself out a lot more than you need to be.. just relax!!
Reply:First of all, you need to relax and get a good nights sleep make sure you eat a good meal before getting your tattoo and make sure you're well hydrated!!! Even have a bottle of water while you're getting your tattoo.
Reply:The main issue is, what is ur tat
all about? Do it with style class
reason and purpose. If U are
really nervous, I hope U are
mature enough 2 know what
the hell u are doing. Tats are
cool%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; Hope u know
what you are doing !!!!!!!!
Reply:Make sure you eat about 2 hours before you go.
You can take some advil to help with the pain but it wont do much.
Tattoos do hurt a good amount but it's worth it in the end.
Make sure you clean the area thoroughly before going to get the tattoo.
While you're getting the tattoo, breathe deeply and slowly and focus your mind on something else.
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