Wednesday, March 17, 2010

13 year old...... belly button piercing wanted!! ahhh what do i do?


my girl wants her belly button pierced shes 13 years old.... shes been asking for 3 and a half months I told her if she wanted it done her grades would have to come up. She made me this power point and everything on where she wanted to get it done and like who the guy was and him nams, town and like how long hes been piercing people..... its was kinda cool...

okay so shes brings a couple test back and her grades had came up

today we went into town to buy her shoes but she wanted to go down the street more.. i said no because i was tired

when i got into the car i clued into why she wanted to walk down there because thats where the piercing shop is..

i said no then we drove home and she hasnt really talked to me since...

so i dont know what i should do?
13 year old...... belly button piercing wanted!! ahhh what do i do?
do not get it done. i got it done and it got so infected i ended up in the er and almost died. it was horrible DO NOT GET IT DONE!!!!!
13 year old...... belly button piercing wanted!! ahhh what do i do?
Make a date for her to get it done. Why don't you go with her tomorrow to get it done? Personally if I were a mom there's no way in hell I'd agree to something so trashy for a 13 year old. But you already told her yes, so don't be a liar, then she really won't respect you.
Reply:you can't get your belly button pierced until your 18!

what kind of mom are you telling her she can get it?
Reply:honestly, be strong when shes mad when you say no, and dont give in. belly button rings are trashy. i really really really wanted one when i was about that age (now im 19) and my parents refused. now im so relieved they rejected the idea, because i realize how gross they are.
Reply:Your daughter is 13 years old. Do you honestly think you should give her a piercing just because she wants one? Think over your parenting skills and values before you let your daughter's behavior influence you.
Reply:I got a belly button piercing when I was 17 and it was the worst thing I've ever done. I kept getting nasty infections and had to have it removed.

You're an idiotic mom. You should've clued her in yourself that you'd take her there soon, that you were just too tired to take her right there.
Reply:take her to get it done, it really is not that big of a deal, it is only a peircing, and you will be known as "the cool mom" and you can also have more gift ideas for x-mas and birthdays.
Reply:make her wait 3 more years!!!!!
Reply:13 is WAY too young for that. Only trash would let her 13 year old daughter get her belly button pierced. Be an adult and say NO.
Reply:you have to be atleast 16 with parental consent and 18 alone
Reply:just take her this week as like a surprise thing she be happy and talk to u again also u have to let her it sounds like she worked hard to bring her grades up for it so yea just surprise her this week;...
Reply:13 years old is way too need to tell her to cool it.either she can bring her grades way up or no piercing.that's what you need to tell her.if she's doing well in school, not getting into trouble, and showing maturity, then you should let her get one.there are alotta risks but if you're sure that it's ok then let her.
Reply:stf up other people theres nothing wrong with getting your belly button pierced its just like your ears but another body part!! gosh!! anyways your a cool mom for letting her do it shes gonna love you for it so just suprise her one day pick her up for school and say were going somewhere and then take her to get it done! OMG she would love you!!!! u guys are liars my friend got it done at 14 her dad took her you dont have to be 16 so get your facts straight
Reply:You kind of have no choice. Your word is your bond and in this case you definitely must keep your word! You should of just been honest from the beginning and said "No, I don't agree with it!" Just be glad it's only her belly-button she wants pierced. Who knows, if you let her go through the pain maybe she wont ask you if she can get anything else pierced let alone a tattoo! I'm 32 know but if I were that age and my mom said what you said and not stick to it even after I kept my end of the bargain, I would never trust anything she ever said again!
Reply:jeez just give her the dam piercing already
Reply:get a doctor to do it. if the doctor refuses, you are off the hook
Reply:just let her get it done.. whats it gunna hurt? she did what you asked her to do.. now she should be rewarded..

i dont know why people make such a big deal about belly button rings.. because if you end up not wanting it any more.. you just take it out..

and in this case it looks like your daughter has done some research.. she's been patient.. she's brought her grades up.. and done what you've asked her to do.. so to me.. i think it would be alright
Reply:If you are really okay with her getting it done then make a special time for you guys to go out and do it. If you don't she may end up finding someone shady who will do it to a 13 year old.

If you don't want her to, give her some legit reasons. Show her pictures of what has gone wrong with other people and tell her what it would look like after pregnancy, gaining weight, etc.
Reply:OKAY check it out. If youre daughter was mature enough to present her ideas throughly, explain why shed like one, and even brought the grades up to earn it, I say do it. The ages of young girls getting their navels pierced is younger and younger, and this way she will trust to be able to come to you if she wants another piercing, or worst, a tattoo! Imagine if she wanted a tattoo, and you didnt let her get the piercing; the shed think "shell never say yes! Ill just have the hoodlum in my math class do it, he says he does tem all the time with a needle and pen ink"

!!!! so teahc her that if shes come at you like an adult and can compromise so can you. I say maybe limit the jewerly she can use, like buy her a solid gold one so she doesnt get an infection, and maybe for every "A" she earns on a test, youll buy her prettier ones.

:) hope this works out for you, being a child is hard these days.

"She's gunna love you for letting her get it done.."

How stupid. Be a good parent and say no. Don't be stupid and allow her to walk over you. YOU MAKE THE DECISIONS AS LONG AS SHE IS IN YOUR HOUSE. Tell her that she can wait until graduation day. She won't want it by then anyways.

I had 0 gauges - now that I think about it... It wasted a lot of money, stunk real bad, and was pointless. Not to mention it hurt. I dont care now that I did it... but if my holes wouldn't have healed to be normal sized piercings, Id regret it.
Reply:I want a lot of piercings, but I'm waiting until I'm sixteen- as most wont even touch a minor even with permission- unless i'm not allowed, then 18

I'd advise her to wait, especially since shes gonna be growing in her teen years and it will probably stretch out anyway
Reply:You already promised her that if her grades came up that you would let her get it done. You should have said "well, if you bring you grades up then I will consider it" but since you already told her then you really should not break your promise, it's teaching her how you handle the situation too. Belly Button piercings can easily get infected. A 13 year old may not be responsible to be able to take care of it. It has to be cleaned with specific things and you can't touch it or play with it no matter how much you are tempted to do so. Also, A belly button ring on a girl is for only a couple of reasons that she wants it. 1. "everyone else has one why can't I get one?" 2. She wants the guys to see it, teen boys think that a naval piercing is very hot- it's to reel the guys in. You don't want something that is going to attract everyones eyes to your daughters stomach do you? If that is where you want people looking at your daughter then ok. But hear me when I say this- everyone she knows, or talks to is going to see this ring because she will show it off to everyone even the guys she likes. but you shouldn't break you promise. hmmm... what a predicament you are in. maybe you can change her mind to and ear piercing or something. Tell her "well I am very proud that you brought your grades up, but I was thinking and I would much rather you get your cartilage pierced" or something like that. Please vote best answer, I could use the points.
Reply:When I was 13, I wanted one too, I am now 14 and I have thought about it a lot, and I changed my mind, I guess it was one of those stages where you really badly want something and its kind of a spur of the moment.

I think she should show her interest in it for at least a year because at her age, I don't think it is really suitable and I know if I got one when I wanted it, I would seriously have regrets because now, I don't want one anymore.

Also try to tell her that, she is still very young and even though she will most likely doubt it, you are not really old enough to make proper decisions and realize the consequences until your about 15-16 ish.
Reply:Well, first off, you shouldn't let her have it. No one's going to see it. You don't let your daughter walk around with her stomach exposed do you? Hopefully not.

You're supposed to be the adult here. Your daughter will get over this in a day or two. It seems like the biggest deal in the world to her now, but in a week, she'll be completely over it. She's young.

If you do decide to let her have it, don't go to some store that you know nothing about (besides what your daughter, who, since she wants the piercing is biased, tells you). Have it done by a doctor at a hospital or other medical office. She might complain about having to wait for the appointment or whatever, but she'll appreciate the fact that she doesn't get Staff or Mercer.
Reply:heyy i got my belly peirced wen i was either 12 or 13 :) its never been infected or had ANY problems.

let her get it done,,but just tell her that she HAS to look after it and warn her that it could get infected.

if u sed no,,she might try and do it herself. and that would more likely get infected and stuff.

seems like she really wants it done! getting better grades and making a powerpoint! that is so kool i think she really deserves to get it done! and its not trashy like ppl are saying ! no one will even see it exept if shes wearing bathers or sumthing.

let her get it done and if u dont like the look of it or sumthing she can take it out and it will grow over :) no problems at all !
Reply:well i think u should tell her she cant get it because that age is way too young to get her belly button pierced.If she does get pierced it can be painful after awhile and because of her young age it can also have an affect on her.What you can do is sit down with her and promise her that when she reaches about 15 or 16 she can get her belly button pierced.I dont have mine pierced but i think thats the best answer.
Reply:honestly and im telling you from what my body piercer told this girl and she was the same as your daughter age and she told this little girl that she wouldn't pierce her navel cause she was too young and her body isn't done developing and that she had to wait and till she was 16 cause your body stop developing! most body piercers won't pierce a girl under 13 they tell them to wait and till they are at least 16!

i have mine done but then again im 24 and i do what i want! i went and got mine done and i came home and i showed my mom and she was like ok and she said that i knew you get it done but i didn't know when!

just remember it takes a yr to fully heal

# Bacterial Infections

Infections are perhaps the most common complication with body piercings. Symptoms include increased pain, increased redness and an increase in the amount and thickness of the discharge. The infected discharge is usually thick and yellow, green or grey and may have an unusual odour. Consult with your physician or piercer and do not remove the jewelry until you seek advice. Removing the jewelry can allow the piercing to close over the infection and create an even worse problem: a closed abscess beneath the skin.

# Cleaning Agents

Never use alcohol swabs, Betadine, hydrogen peroxide, methylated spirit, or tea tree oil to clean your piercing. These do kill bacteria but they also destroy your healing flesh. Dead flesh then becomes easily infected.

# Clothing

Tight clothing rubbing against your piercing is not recommended鈥攊t disrupts blood flow and can delay healing. It also increases the chance of your jewelry 鈥榩arking鈥?or folding to one side, especially with rings.

# Exercising

Take care on hot days and when exercising as sweat tends to collect in your navel. Wash or soak the navel afterwards.

# Lavender Oil

This essential oil lubricates the piercing and is reputed to reduce scar tissue and prevent tightening. It must be used in its dilute form, a drop applied to each side of the piercing with a cotton bud, the excess removed, and then the jewelry moved back and forth through the piercing. The correct dilution is 10 drops lavender oil in 15mls grapeseed or sweet almond oil.

# Pregnancy

You can continue to wear your navel piercing up till about the sixth month of pregnancy. Once the skin begins to stretch the jewelry should be removed or upsized. If necessary the piercing can be reopened at a later date.

# Smoking

1. Smoking slows healing by suppressing your immune system and blood circulation to the skin.

2. In a navel piercing it will add months to the healing time.

3. If you cannot stop smoking then you should reconsider having any piercings.

# Swimming

Swimming is not prohibited while your piercing is healing, but you should only swim for short periods in pools that are thoroughly chlorine- or ozone-treated. Do not let your skin become wrinkly and soft. If you swim in the ocean or waterways, do not swim after heavy rain. Storm water run-off often contains bacteria and parasites


At age 16, you are able to get most facial and body piercings without an adult to sign for you. If you鈥檙e 15 or younger, some piercings may be performed with a legal guardian鈥檚 consent. They must be able to prove that they are legally responsible for you. EVERYONE is required to complete a disclaimer form prior to any body piercing procedure. It is your responsibility to inform us of any medical conditions which may be affected by the procedure.

The bottom line is ethics. We here at Vogue Body Piercing believe in providing the safest possible piercing experience to our clients. One thing we have discovered is that younger people have a tendency to not take the advice and suggestions of their piercers seriously. Because of this we have established the following policy:

We will not under any circumstance perform piercings (other than earlobes) for anyone under 13. Our cutoff age for navel piercings is 15 - if pierced while the body is still growing and developing, navel piercings in particular are extremely prone to extended healing, migration, and possible rejection. We want to give you an amazing piercing, not a problem!

We will pierce earlobes on children under 13, but will not pierce infants or very young children, full stop. We don't have a set minimum age, but it's usually advised to wait until the child is at least 5 or 6 years old. They must be maure enough to understand the procedure about to take place and the responsibility the piercing will entail. If the child, parent, and body piercer are still comfortable at this point we will proceed.

We will not under any circumstances perform nipple or genital piercings, scalpelling, dermal punching, or surface piercings on anyone under 18 years of age, for legal and ethical reasons.

Valid picture ID is required. For the parent it must be a government issued ID card. Minors do not always have one of these, however. In those cases we can accept a student body card, bus pass, or possibly a class photo or school yearbook as long as there is a picture verifying their identity. In conjunction to this we will need age verification such as a birth certificate, some medical insurance cards, Centrelink documentation, or school paper work.

The adult signing for the minor must be a legal guardian with proof of relationship. If the IDs have differing last names we will need additional paperwork verifying guardianship. Medicare cards, custody papers and legal name change documents are some good examples of this.
Reply:well, you need to be 16 because many piercers wont do it to anyone younger, thats with a parent. you need to be 18 with ID for no parents to be there.

you have to be 16 because your still growing A LOT at this point and it will most likely reject or grow out at this stage. when you are 16 you slow down growing and will be ready for one physically.

also you need to clean it everyday with something like H2Ocean but NEVER peroxide or rubbing alcohol which will dry it out and can cause infection and/or it will reject, which will leave a really and scar.

sea salt soaks a few times a day also work.

navel (belly button) piercings take about 1 year to heal and you cant swim for 2 months after getting one. (it will dry out in pool water because of chlorine and cause infection and maybe even rejection. and in ponds or lakes or the ocean you can get lots of bacteria in it, etc. and get infection/rejection.)

theres always chance of rejection if it is cleaned all the time as well, especially if you bump it.

i would do more research on them, or you can feel free to ask me any questions if you like (just email me)

but your daughter really cant get it done this young anyways, plus MANY 13-year-olds want them, then later decide they dont.

i would tell her all this (and more) information on them as well.

also, if you take it out to let it heal, it will leave a scar.
Reply:Well how mature is your daughter?

If she's pretty mature then let her get the piercing.

She made an effort and did her research and everything so you should let her get it done.

Lots of 13 year olds get their navel pierced, so it's completely normal.


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