Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ears double pierced and cartalidge?

I want to get my ears double pierced along with my cartalidge pierced at the same time. Is this a good idea? Where should I go? Which ear for my cartalidge? Anything else I should know? Thanks :)
Ears double pierced and cartalidge?

This is putting too much stress on your ear.

Your immune system would be trying to heal all these holes at once and it would go crazy.

If you do them all at once, you'd most likely get a problem with healing properly.

Get the first holes in the lobes.

Then when they heal, get the 2nd holes in the lobes.

When the 2nd holes in the lobes heal, get the cartilage.

Make sure you're taking care of the piercing properly the entire time and do everything youre supposed to.

You need to go to a piercing/tattoo parlor.

They are the only people who use the right equipment and procedure to pierce your ears properly.

Whichever ear you feel more comfortable with is the ear you should get the cartilage pierced on.

If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me.
Ears double pierced and cartalidge?
I had the second hole and the cartalidge done at the same time. They did the left ear for the cartalidge piercing. I went to claires to get mine done, which was about 8 years ago, but I'd say any jewlery store that does piercings as long as they are clean and cautious while doing it.
Reply:i would NOT get them all pierced at the same time, one on each ear at a time because there will be a lot of pain and swelling, also complications and trouble healing. it will take more time as well. if you want them to heal properly, hurt A LOT less, and look better, get one on each ear at a time.

1st lobe piercings arent really painfull.

2nds are a little more and hurt longer.

cartilage hurts quite a bit, not right when its pierced, but while healing.

get the first lobe piercings done, then at least a few months later get 2nd lobe piercings then at least another few months later get the cartilage piercing.

it takes about 6 weeks for a lobe piercing to heal, clean then twice a day. they dont require much other care than that. DO NOT get them done with a gun, which i will talk more about later.

now some about cartilage piercings...

they do it with a needle and just stick it through then put the jewelry in. (some unprofessional places do it with a piercing gun, but that carries high risk of infection since they cant be cleaned and carry lots of bacteria and sometimes disease) also dont get it done with a gun because your cartilage can collapse! (click to see example of what i mean)

also guns crush the cartillage which is bad and makes it take sometimes YEARS to heal.

if you get it done with a needle it will take at least 6 months up to 1 year to heal. do not take it out nomatter what (or change the jewelry) before it is healed.

oh and whoever actually uses piercing guns is not a professional (like people at the mall or claires) they might make a mistake with your piercingh and it can come out looking bad or pierced the wrong way. (for claires i know that the only training they have is a 30 minute video on piercing)

they will also tell you to twist a piercing while its healing which is BAD advice, you DO NOT want to twist the piercing because the "crusties" can get inside infecting it and/or irritating it a lot. it also lets bacteria in.

they hurt more than regular ear piercings because cartilage is somewhat like thin bone. you wont be able to sleep on whatever side its on for about a month and itll just be uncomfortable and sometimes hurt afterwards. also for a while it will hurt when your taking a shower because your hair always gets caught in it and its VERY painful the first month.

pros-looks good

cons-pain, you need patience cause takes a long time to heal, ear collapsing, infection, keloids, etc.

overall its worth it if you can do everything right to take care of it and wait that long for it to heal.

hope i helped, if you have any other questions about ANY piercings, just email me and ill be more than glad to tell you everything you need to know :D
Reply:i guess it depends on how much you can handle. i have a industrial and it wasnt so bad getting two piercings at the same time. so yea go for it. but acually go to a piercer who uses a needle rather than a gun as a gun could shatter your cartilage and could cause a keloid to form (not pretty)
Reply:i have my ears pierced three times each and the last two i did myself. i waited two months inbetween each piercing, mainly cause dad was worried but i thought it would be good. I'm not the type to wash a piercing every day, i usually forget and dont think about it. thats why i waited for them to heal but if you can keep them up and wash them constantly then go for it. i was going to get my cartilage pierced same time i got my belly button pierced but i thought it would be too hard to keep up on both at same time.

Best of luck too you, and make sure you get the cartilage done proffesionally or you might hit a vein and paralyze face.
Reply:First of all, let me tell you something about your body. When you put a hole in your ear, your body kinda goes into "freak-out" mode and sends all the blood to that part of your body, making your nerves and pain sensors a lot more sensitive. Therefore, when the next piercing comes, it's going to hurt more, and so on, if you do any more than one.

Next, cartilage piercings hurt more in general than earlobe piercings, and take a lot longer to heal. I think most piercers don't like to pierce more than one at at time (for cartilage).

For cartilage piercings, you'll need to go to a piercing studio. This is important, because at a piercing studio they will use a hollow needle to pierce it, which takes out that little bit of cartilage that would be pushed aside and form a bump if a "gun" were used. Cartilage takes a lot longer to heal, so it's important to get it done the right way, the FIRST time. Cartilage also does not have it's own blood supply, that's most of the reason it takes longer to heal. And you HAVE to follow the care instructions, because if you get an infection, there's a chance the antibiotics won't be able to heal it (since there is no blood supply, it's kinda hard for the antibiotics to get there!)

Piercing studios tend to cost more than the "gun" technique at Wal-Mart, though, but it's safer and better in the long-run. Some places charge for just the piercing (jewelry included), and some charge for both. If you get a cartilage piercing, get a ring with a captive bead....those help the most with healing, as they don't "hold in" the drainage inside the piercing like studs do.

When I got my cartilage pierced, I was told that most girls get it done on their left ear, but it really doesn't matter which ear you get done. Also know, that getting it pierced there, you can't sleep on that side until it's healed......and it gets bumped on EVERYTHING since that part of your ear kinda sticks out anyway.

I am in no way telling you NOT to get your ears pierced. I LOVE piercings. Just telling you the facts. I would suggest that you NOT get your ear pierced all at the same time (at least wait a while in between each lobe piercing pair, and the cartilage - ex. 1 week get first lobe piercings, a month or so later the second, a month or so later the cartilage.......cuts down on the pain, at least! A piercing studio may tell you different, though, so ask them! They're experts! That's what they're there for!)
Reply:i have that exact combination. so i know from experience. first i got my ears single pierced. i let them heal for a while. about 8 months later i got my cartilage pierced on the left side which is cuter in my opinion as well as the girl who pierced my ears'. anyway it hurt really bad. but it was worth it and now is fine. however, i will warn u if u get it done with a gun, it will leave a small intent in ur ear cause of the weird position. if u get it done in a tattoo parler with a needle, it will not. but its not that big of a deal. anyway about 2 years later i got my 2nd piercing. it's really important to take care of ur ears to insure they take right and dont close. my friend had her 1st piercings and 2nd piercings around the same time and they ended up blending together to make one big hole! and it is hard for her to find earrings to fit in such a big hole!! so i would reccommend waiting a couple years. just to make sure it heals and is in for good. i just went to wal-mart and it was REALLY cheap and i never had any problems with them. good luck!

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