Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Quick waxing question?!?

1) so i want to do a full stomach wax for the summer, but i was wondering which NAIR wax would best since they don't have a type specifically for the stomach.

so, should i use the Bikini, Face, Bare Body and Underarms, the sensitive formula, etc.

2) are there any side effects, and will my skin be really red and itchy after(if so, for how long)

3) just how painful will waxing my stomach be? it's my first time, and i'm a little freaked
Quick waxing question?!?
yeah i use nair for waxing and i was allergic to it.

it was awful my leg started breaking out in red bumps and didnt go away for 2 days =/
Quick waxing question?!?
ive never used nair so im not sure but do a small patch test on your skin and it shouldnt be that painful just rip it fast,going slow will hurt more.
Reply:Nair will be ok to use, i would reccomend the body and underarm, it doesn't really matter but this is the best. It will be red but only for a short while, and don't worry too much aboiut the pain, stomach doesn't hurt as much as other areas- it doesn't really hurt at all and if there is pain its for like a second, so it's worth it really!
Reply:Definitely do a patch test. I used nair cream and I broke out in hives. It was terrible. Rash, etc. . .

I used VEET cream, and it works really well, but it smells bad. It smells like a perm, and you want to shower afterwards. Don't use it right before you go on a date (like on the commercial).

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